Goals of the District

Key Result Area: Service to Our Communities
Goal #1: The Tennessee District Exchange Clubs actively engage the National Program of Service in a manner that will see 75% of its individual clubs attain the National Service Award; 25% attain the ‘Big E Award’; and, 25% compete for the Sprague Award within three years.

  • Objective A: Develop and offer training to club secretaries on how and when to report completed projects to National Headquarters. (Chair, Leadership Development; District Secretary)
  • Objective B: The District President and District Secretary will communicate monthly with Club Presidents and Club Secretaries, respectively, regarding the transmitting of project completion cards to National Headquarters.
  • Objective C: Make available a listing of project ideas for the various categories of the Program of Service and distribute it to all clubs within the district. (Chair, Leadership Development)

Goal #2: At least 75% of clubs in the District participate in at least one Child Abuse Prevention Awareness project each year.

  • Objective A: Publish a list of ideas for both center and non-center related projects and distribute to each club within the district. (Chair, Child Abuse Prevention)

Key Result Area: Growth for Our Clubs and District

Goal #3: The District shall grow by six new clubs within the three-year period of the long-range plan.

  • Objective A: Train New Club Builders in club building techniques and strategies. (District President; Chair, New Club Building)
  • Objective B: At least six district Exchangites become fully trained as New Club Builders and are used as mentors to club building volunteers. (District President; Chair, New Club Building)
  • Objective C: A strategy for New Club Building will be developed and implemented within the district. (District President; District President-Elect; Directors) Key Result Area: Public Awareness of Exchange

Goal #4: Each club within the District establish a working public relations program with the news media in their community and through that become recognized as viable and valued members of their communities.

  • Objective A: Establish a standardized District Public Relations training program and resource materials for clubs within the district and ensure all club PR chairs are trained. (District President-Elect; Chair, Leadership Development)
  • Objective B: Ensure that all clubs have the Public Relations Kit from National Headquarters. (Directors)
  • Objective C: Establish a District Public Relations Award modeled after the National PR Award and awarded annually to the club in the district with the best PR program. (Chair, Awards) Key Result Area: Leadership Development for Our Members

Goal #5: Market the National Leadership Development Program to our members.

  • Objective A: Incorporate Leadership Development sessions into all of our district conferences and conventions. (Chair, Leadership Development)
  • Objective B: Have at least two district members become certified to deliver the National Leadership Development Program. (District President)

Key Result Area: Establishing an Inter-Club Program

Goal #6: An inter-club program be established to facilitate the sharing of ideas and resources throughout the District.

  • Objective A: Publish a schedule of when and where our clubs meet and distribute to each club president. (District President)
  • Objective B: Encourage each club to send a copy of its newsletter or bulletin to each of the other clubs within the district, either by hardcopy or electronically. (District President)
  • Objective C: Clubs within a geographical area of the district are encouraged to work together on at least one service project during the club year. (Directors)

Key Result Area: Communication

Goal #7: The District will work to further enhance communication between the District and the local clubs.

  • Objective A: Streamline the design of the district bulletin for more effective communication; strive for more timely distribution to the members of the district. (Bulletin Editor; District President)
  • Objective B: Continue to develop and expand the district website and promote its use by local clubs. Make the District Awards Manual and other district documents available on-line. (Webmaster; District President)
  • Objective C: Strive for 100% compliance with Officer Election Reports submission requirements by local clubs within the district. (District Secretary)